Photo by Matt Johnson (mattjphoto.net)
Wednesday, August 23, 2023 7:00pm
Black Hart of Saint Paul – Back Room
Board Members
Present: Jackson Smith, Alicia Pedersen, Meagan Weber, Andrew Bruski, Jack McFarland, Maggi Heyer, Nick Moore, Jens Selin
Absent: Andy Wattenhofer, Andy Kahl, Jim Crist
- Call to Order 7:07pm
- Last Meeting Minutes June 2023 Dark Clouds Board Meeting
- Alicia moves to approve, Meagan seconds
- All approve
- Reports of Officers and Committees
- Treasurer’s Report
- Will look over and put questions in Slack
- Committee Updates
- Merch
- Released koozies
- Working on a bunch of stuff (including a patch)
- Hoping to release a number of things by end of September
- Matchday
- Still need more capos
- Leagues Cup was rough for all SGs
- Getting more information out would be nice
- Highlight in a newsletter?
- Pre-season primer with other volunteer opportunities?
- September Spotlights?
- New banners and flags are on hold at the moment – waiting for 20th Anniversary
- Still need more capos
- Mar/Com/Social
- Need additional help at this point
- Membership
- Looking at dates for an additional (last?) scarf handout
- Scarves not picked up will be mailed
- MNUFC2 game with a tailgate?
- September 17 – last 2 Home Game
- Looking into doing a Member survey
- Looking at dates for an additional (last?) scarf handout
- Partnership
- Working with Sociable to add them as a partner
- Tifo
- Sounders game likely last of the year
- Last minute planning feels like it hurts volunteering
- Earlier Save the Dates will likely help
- Silver Lining
- Meeting pushed slightly
- Central Honors Philando was this past weekend – successful event
- TC Soul Futsol was also great
- TC Oktoberfest coming up
- Sign up will be out shortly
- Party Planning
- Starting to find a date for end-of-year party
- Likely pre-Thanksgiving
- Getting auction items together
- Starting to find a date for end-of-year party
- Merch
- Treasurer’s Report
- Old Business
- Updates on Action Items from June
- None
- Other Old Business
- 20th Anniversary Update
- Artist is lined up for updated branding
- Working on proposal and contract needs
- Sam Solberg
- Status on the Homage project?
- Artist is lined up for updated branding
- Zarek WW Partnership
- Hats through Official League are here
- Sold through WW Shop
- More direct communication with players would be helpful in the future
- Funds will go to Pinky Swear Foundation ($3,500)
- Hopeful to get match from team
- Pins will be sold in the Team Store
- Set of 4 pins
- One from player perspective
- One for each SG
- Looking for a single designer – hopefully picked by end of August
- Set of 4 pins
- Hats through Official League are here
- 20th Anniversary Update
- Updates on Action Items from June
- New Business
- Mar/Com/Social
- Volunteer recruitment
- Unpaid (or small pay) internship messaging?
- Professional experience messaging?
- Start with an ask
- Need a team of some sort
- Social media platforms
- Dark Clouds working on accounts for new platforms
- TNE moved to Discord – thoughts on using it for us?
- Slack for business, Discord for social?
- Linktree has been created
- Volunteer recruitment
- Mar/Com/Social
- Open to Board
- None
- Open to Public
- None
- Set Date for Next Meeting
- Before the LA Galaxy match on Wednesday, September 20 (7:00pm)
- Adjournment 8:36pm