Supporters of Minnesota United FC’s three largest Supporter Groups (Dark Clouds, True North Elite, & Red Loons) announced today their continued support for Wakan Tipi Awaŋyaŋkapi with an $8000 donation. Wakan Tipi Awaŋyaŋkapi [Wakaŋ (Wah-KAHN) | Tipi (TEE-pee) | Awaŋyaŋkapi (Ah-WAHN-yahn-gah-pee)] is a Dakota nonprofit which seeks to engage people to honor and care for our natural places and the sacred sites and cultural value within them by focusing on urban conservation and restoration, cultural connections and healing, and environmental education.
On April 15th, the Supporter Groups hoisted one of the largest indigenous-designed TIFOs in North American history, on the first-ever Native American Heritage Night in Minnesota United FC history. The TIFO was designed by Anishinaabe (ah nish inah bay) Artist Sarah Agaton Howes (Ah Gah Tone Howz) of Heart Berry to celebrate Native American Heritage.
Derived from traditional Native beadwork and weaving, the TIFO celebrated the love we have for this beautiful game and this land we call home. We are on Native Land and proud to carry this message forward as fans and artists.
The Supporter Groups incorporated the TIFO design onto a shirt and Wonderwall (the Supporters Group Umbrella organization) sold the shirts and donated all proceeds to Wakan Tipi Awaŋyaŋkapi.
“We are so honored by this partnership and donation to support our work. This year is a big year for our organization – we are beginning construction of Wakan Tipi Center- a cultural and environmental interpretive center in Saint Paul, we just launched our indigenous youth summer program, and have doubled our staff. This donation will go towards all of our work to protect the sacred and educate the community about our Indigenous cultures and sacred lands,” said Maggie Lorenz Wakaŋ Tipi Awaŋyaŋkapi Executive Director
“This was an amazing opportunity for three Supporter Groups to come together and help raise awareness about the land we live on, work on, and benefit from,” said Dark Clouds President Meagan Weber.
Sarah Agaton Howes, Heart Berry CEO articulated it brilliantly, “This beautiful game! As an artist and avid fútbol fan, this second collaboration with the Wonderwall is a perfect example of how we can all win when we build together. Bringing this message of how we are on Native Land with our beautiful florals shows how powerful we are when we are breaking sales records! I can’t wait for what’s next.”
“We are committed to building community, not just in the soccer world, but in the place that brings us so much joy,” said True North Elite Vice-President Miranda Muller, “and part of that is acknowledging the land that we are on and doing our part to honor and support indigenous communities.”
“We hope that this is another important step in recognizing that there is a long history here, well before many of us started coming to matches, and we hope that the SGs and Minnesota United can continue to keep that front and center going forward,” said Red Loon Kristofer Scheid.
About Wakan Tipi Awaŋyaŋkapi: Wakan Tip Awaŋyaŋkap engages people to honor and care for our natural places and the sacred sites and cultural value within them. We are a Native-Led, East Side St. Paul environmental conservation nonprofit. Founded in 1997 by community activists; our project area stretches from Lake Phalen to the Mississippi River and throughout the East Side River District. Our work is powered by a dedicated board, staff, and community of volunteers. For more info contact info@wakantipi.org.
About Heart Berry: Heart Berry is a small Native owned lifestyle brand from Fond du Lac in northern Minnesota. We create Ojibwe design for all through our original art, collaborations with Eighth Generation and amazing organizations like the Wonderwall, alongside teaching cultural art. We believe strongly in truth telling, building community, and giving back to people doing the work. For more info contact Sarah at Sarah@heartberry.com.
About Dark Clouds: The mission of the Dark Clouds is to support professional soccer, serve and build communities, and create a welcoming, inclusive culture around the sport in Minnesota.
About True North Elite: True North Elite is a group of passionate football supporters that welcomes people from all walks of life. We stand for equality and fight against hate. We believe in bringing the noise to Minnesota United FC matches and coming together to better our communities.
About Red Loons: Red Loons are a leftist supporters group who believe soccer and community are intertwined. We believe soccer should be fun, accessible, and free from bigotry and discrimination.