Tuesday, April 18, 2023 7:00pm
Black Hart
Board Members Present: Jackson Smith, Alicia Pedersen, Andy Kahl, Meagan Weber, Nick Moore, Andrew Bruski, Andy Wattenhofer, Jack McFarland, Maggi Heyer
Absent: Jim Crist, Jens Selin
I. Call to Order 7:09pm
II. Approval of minutes March 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
Nick moves, Bruski seconds. Unanimous approval.
III. Reports of Officers and Committees
- Treasurer’s Report
- Board of Directors report
- Are we only dependent on merch or where/how can we get access to the pass-through funds?
- Should start looking more deeply at historical data to figure out spending patterns and better plan for the future.
- Shopify
- Invoices
- Zero
- Mail Chimp
- Committee Updates
- Merch
- 2 shirts coming soon-ish
- Water bottles coming soon
- 172 Heartberry shirts so far
- Selling very quickly
- All proceeds will be donated
- Vendor will likely want some money up front (WW); two runs of shirt orders/shipping
- Hats coming soon
- Matchday
- New capos this past match
- Flags going well
- Mar/Com/Social
- Going well right now on coordinated efforts
- No other major updates
- Silver Lining
- DGS/MNUFC Cleanup, Friday, 4/21 3:30-530pm
- SAYEC Field Stripping, Sunday, 4/23 1-4pm
- PanCan Purple Ride/Stride, Saturday, 4/29 8am-noon
- Looking for people
- Membership
- 716 affiliated DC members – 328 scarves handed out
- 900-ish unaffiliated members of WW
- Cards of Wonder about to go out – waiting on a few final details
- 716 affiliated DC members – 328 scarves handed out
- Partnership
- Iron Door has had pretty decent attendance
- Have had some big sports event conflicts with watch parties, so hard to tell about how much is just for the watch party
- Some new people won raffle events
- Looking to do more raffle events for watch parties going forward
- Iron Door has had pretty decent attendance
- Tifo
- Shifting focus to Pride tifo
- Looking for input/guidance on the designs
- OutFront MN for a designer?
- Shifting focus to Pride tifo
- Party Planning Committee
- Not planning anything right now
- Receiving some questions about donations
- Merch
IV. Old Business
- Update on Action Items from March
- None
- Other Old Business
- Matt Johnson 2023 Photographer Agreement
- All set, just need to pay
- Send it to WW Bills and it will get paid
- Matt Johnson 2023 Photographer Agreement
V. New Business
- Como Soccer Stars & Urban Village
- Do we want to sponsor the shirts again?
- Maggi moves to sponsor, Andy K seconds. Unanimous approval.
- If significant increase in cost, will have a discussion in Slack
- Do we want to sponsor the shirts again?
- MSS Auction Donation
- Last year we did a variety of merch with something from Summit
- Do we want to do it again?
- Andy K moves to approve, Nick seconds. Unanimous approval.
- OutFront MN
- 2023 Gala at Allianz Field with After Party at Black Hart
- Silver Linings event?
- Prideraiser?
- Can give support with communication & marketing if we decide to work together to amplify everything
- Alicia, Meagan, Maggi with help lead connection and planning
- Stub-e
- Commemorative tickets with a portion of proceeds going to local charity
- More WW level than us
- Not opposed in principle
VI. Open to Board
- Input from Slack conversations should happen on Slack before meetings
- Supporters Social
- Happening on Saturday
- Excitement from all SGs (at least leadership)
- Came out of a strong meeting
- Meeting Minutes
- Will start approving them over Slack
- Will be an up-down vote
- Poll from Slack will be noted in the next month’s meeting minutes
- Agendas will be shared publicly at least 48 hours ahead of meetings
- Will start approving them over Slack
VI. Open to the Public
- None
VII. Set Date for Next Meeting
- Jackson done over Slack with the same plan as last month