The Board of Directors’ next meeting will be held over Zoom on Tuesday, October 19 at 7:00pm.

The meeting is open to the public. Please email to request access to the online meeting.

Dark Clouds Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, September 16th, 2021



Board Members Present:  Sam Solberg, Alicia Pedersen, Shaun Sapala, Andrew Bruski, Meagan Weber, Nick Moore, Andy Wattenhofer, Maggi Heyer, David Zeller

Absent: Jack McFarland, Andy Kahl

I. Call to Order


II. Approval of Minutes

Bruski made a motion to approve, Nick seconded. 

III. Reports of Officers and Committees                                    

a. Treasurer’s Report -reporting has been slow over the summer. Looking to come up with a realistic SG report so we know who has what. Everything is stable and we are in a good position. Pass through money-first payment came through, but we should have another one coming. Discussion about Verizon accounts. Nick will look into possibly setting up a new account as we cannot access the old one. 

b. Committee Updates 


  1. Sold some shirts (KC shirt presale). Quarter zip presale has launched; Dethloon scarves will be available for sale at the next match. Doing well on home match day sales. 


  1. Need more flags!
    1. What should we do for these flags? Maggi would like to see more color (like our blue), but just need more smaller flags. Will get a budget together for what they think we’ll need to spend. Andy W says not a problem to get those funds approved. 
  2. Discussion about lack of matchday volunteers and pausing matchday activities until the team implements a mask/vaccination policy.
    1. We have 2-4 capos available for this weekend. The others are no longer comfortable in front of the section without the vaccine/test protocol mandate in place.
    2. Abe has been talking to the team, they say they are working on it.
    3. Maggi asked about pausing match day to try to push the team to make a decision, but without the buy-in of all SGs, we can’t do this.
    4. Does Dark Clouds say we are not having capos then? Don’t want to do this without board approval.
    5. Thunderwall was on board if the whole WW was on board, but likely will drum if TNE has capos.
    6. Dark Clouds will be pausing capos for the foreseeable future. An email will be sent to the team (Sam) and a post in the WW Slack channel (Maggi). 


  1. Nothing to report

Silver Lining

  1. Futsal tourney at La Dona this past weekend; went well-about $1000 raised.
  2. Upcoming is TC Oktoberfest-need to push the Saturday evening shift.
    1. Final volunteer number has to be turned in by tomorrow.Try for a final push-the more volunteers we have, the more money we’ll raise to be donated to Seeds to Harvest.
  3. 11/13-Sanneh Foundation needs help to raise their new dome-still working on the details.
  4. December event is usually Free Bikes 4 Kidz. Also hoping to do the volunteer appreciation event 



  1. Jack met with someone from Pryes.
    1. They aren’t as interested in a standing $1 discount at the taproom or anything, but want to do more like sponsoring bus trips, co-branding merch and paying production costs (so we can either charge less for merch or have less overhead and make more money/donate the added margin), matching SL donations, etc.
    2. Mostly, they are interested in a partnership where they give us money and beer, rather than a taproom discount, which admittedly we don’t know if many people take advantage.
    3. I told them I couldn’t speak for travel/merch/SL but they were curious which companies we use for our merch production and to which charities we most often donate, but I would try to find out so they could take that info back to the owners.
  2. Morriseys has not been a huge draw yet, need to keep trying to get folks there. 
  3. Pivoting to silent auction items. 


  1. Nothing to report

IV. Old Business

  1. Update on Action Items from August
    1. None
  2. Other Old Business
    1. Update on Party Planning Committee events
      1. Lots going on-Membership event at Ninth Street Soccer on 10/07 from 7-9pm. Soccer tourney plus a mini-DCA. Event will be sponsored by Pryes! Donate beer for the event. There will be a charge of $10/team and then we will donate that money (trying to hold people to their sign-ups). 
      2. End of the Year Party and Charity Auction at Black Hart, 12/08. Hybrid in person/virtual event where we stream the awards and highlight some items. QR code for bidding-all bidding will be done online this year. Need to have more conversations about how we will run the auction.  

V. New Business

  1. Score Side app
    1. Nick had a call with them and is looking to use it for D4C next year.
      1. Push notifications are sent following each match to let the person know how many cards were given during the game and how much that amounts to for their donation.
      2. There is also a way to track how many people are signing up via a specific link from a participant, so we could run a promotion like “sign 5 people up and get a free scarf” (or something along those lines). 

VI.            Open to Board

  1. Nothing

VI. Open to Public

  1. Nothing

VII. Set Date for Next Meeting

  1. Meagan will do via Slack

VIII.          Adjournment


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