The Board of Directors’ next meeting will be held over Zoom on Thursday, February 4 at 6:30pm.

The meeting is open to the public. Please email president@dark-clouds.com to request access to the online meeting.

Dark Clouds Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Saturday, January 2, 2021



Board Members Present:  Nach Karnik, Sam Solberg, Meagan Weber, Andy Wattenhofer, David Zeller, Andrew Bruski, Shaun Sapala, Maggi Heyer, Andy Kahl, Jack McFarland

Absent: Ty Hoagland, Alec Vohnoutka

I. Call to Order

Sam calls to order at 7:04PM

II. Approval of Minutes   

Sam made a motion to approve, Meagan W. Seconded. Motion approved

III. Reports of Officers and Committees                                    

a. Treasurer’s Report  – Andy Wattenhofer

A. There is an intention to hand off financial management with an accountant.

B. With this Andy W will be able to build a DC budget and finance process.

b. Committee Updates 


  1. Black Hart shirt was the 2nd most successful merch item of the year.
  2. Getting ready for merch into 2021.


  1. Nothing until clarity what 2021 is going to bring.


  1. Andy K and Alec starting the process to take over from Nach.
  2. More coming soon.

Silver Lining

  1. Committee meetings starting back up this month, starting monthly cadence.
    1. DGS update – Meagan
      1. 501c3 is set up
      2. Website will be finished soon.


  1. New business will cover what 2021 memberships will look like.
  2. 2020 is DONE, for memberships. 
    1. 2019 v 2020 fulfillment was about the same, it just took much longer.


  1.   Partnerships will start to reach out to partners when season is figured out in 2021
  2. End of the year auction
    1. Almost $4,000 raised in auction, check is getting cut on Monday.
    2. Nick, Zeller, and Meagan will get together to debrief what a 2021 auction will look like.


  1. All national and supporters group flags have been taken down and stowed. The BLM and “United Together” banners are still up, but Justin Borrell (GM of Allianz Field) has mentioned that the team might be able to handle the take down and storage of those two when they take down their own section cover banners.
  2. Ty plans to meet with the Wonderwall tifo committee at some point in January or February to discuss our tifo plan for next season, being cognizant of the fact that it will likely be an atypical year in terms of memberships and therefore of funding.

IV. Old Business

  1. Update on Action Items from November
    1. Technology Committee – Nick
      1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l9KCcOiWHHeZbyF2yR-y-wVhP66mxerg0uepz8ns39o/edit?usp=sharing
    2. Election Subcommittee – Meeting on Tuesday, should have a plan by next meeting
  2. Other Old Business
    1. None 

V. New Business

  1. Response to Chris Wright email – Sam
    1. Email has been pinned to board slack.
      1. Feedback
        1. DC board has a few issues with WW communication that has been released to public. Using language of ultimatums and bargaining with the team may not be appropriate.
        2. DC board hopes that WW board can have a single point of contact to the team. So contact with team can be consistent.
        3. Team still has not addressed issues with the neighborhood and the issues that the stadium has caused around the neighborhood.
        4. Next steps we want to see is a meeting with the team.
  2. 2021 Budgets & WW Finance Update – Sam
    1. No 2021 budgets have not been requested yet
      1. Because WW has tried to find an accountant. This has not been fully realized yet and won’t until Mid-January 2021
    2. Asked about pass-thru money
      1. Partial payments will be coming in March and July
  3. Memberships for 2021, how do they work? – Bruski
    1. WW board still talking about $25 and $10 membership levels
    2. DC Board, Meagan will push Abe and WW board to move now on the one membership cost to keep things the same for member group
      1. Clarity around affiliation of memberships again this year.
      2. DC board would like SGs to independently create scarfs if they want, that would become their own merch item. A percentage of that item will go back to WW budget.
    3. There will be a messaging challenge on the fact that we are not getting 2021 pass-thru money, and no one will be getting a “free” scarf.
      1. DC board wants messaging for this to be the same across all SGs
  4. Gala 4 Goals 2021 – Meagan
    1. https://6xe.daa.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Gala-2021-Sponsorship-Deck-4.pdf
    2. MCS will encourage membership to attend and donate to event.
    3. https://one.bidpal.net/gala4goals21/ticketing

VI. Open to Board

  1. Nach – WW would like to know if there is any communication we’d like to send out about CBA.
  2. The Dark Cloud are seeing an increased number of emails for merch from another SG that are not being fulfilled.
    1. DC Board leadership will reach out to the other SGs about this issue.

VI. Open to Public

  1. None

VII. Set Date for Next Meeting

  1. Will set in Slack

VIII. Adjournment

Meeting Adjourned at 8:48PM                

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