Sunday, January 28, 2024 3:00pm
Black Hart of Saint Paul
Board Members
Present: Jackson Smith, Meagan Weber, Maggi Heyer, Andrew Bruski, Alicia Pedersen, Andy Wattenhofer, Andy Kahl, Jens Selin, Nick Moore
Absent: Jack McFarland, Jim Crist
- Call to Order 3:04pm
- Last Meeting Minutes
- December 2023 Dark Clouds Board Meeting Minutes
- Approved via Slack
- Reports of Officers and Committees
- Treasurer’s Report
- Board of Directors report 2023 Final
- Ended year with a deficit – expected due to rebranding efforts
- Wonderwall working on a better way for purchasing
- Committee Updates
- Merch
- Ordered 20th anniversary shifts
- Some available at the event and will be on pre-sale shortly after
- Hoodie also coming for pre-sale next week
- Patch incoming
- Finalizing 2024 Membership scarf with designer
- Ordered 20th anniversary shifts
- Matchday
- Waiting on new design for new flags – especially new BFF
- New banners
- Dark Clouds
- All are Welcome
- Red Card to Racism
- Replacing a few megaphones
- Starting a Dark Clouds Matchday social handle to increase engagement
- Mar/Com/Social
- Callendar is put together for Day of Recognition dates
- Designs for matchday posts and others in the works
- Submit requests as early as possible this season
- Be sure to fill out the form so multiple people can see it!
- Switch to Fedica has been completed
- Membership
- Member Survey in the works
- Scarf handout will be more limited after the start of the season
- Partnership
- Working on Socible still – getting close
- Talisman partnership also in the works
- Tifo
- Have a design and dates for Home Opener tifo
- Shifts February 10-11 and February 16-18
- Rough sketch of at least 4 designs
- Have a design and dates for Home Opener tifo
- Silver Lining
- Appreciation party on February 27 at Utepils
- Luminary on February 13
- Party Planning
- Annual Meeting – February 4 at Black Hart 2:00pm
- Merch
- Treasurer’s Report
- Old Business
- Updates on Action Items from December
- Charitable Merch and Donations – Meagan
- In the works – will be happening soon
- Expected Annual Payments
- Double check that you added expected month for larger payments
- Charitable Merch and Donations – Meagan
- Other Old Business
- 20th Anniversary Update
- Logo is very close to final. Will be ready for February 4 reveal.
- Election
- Nomination form is available and open.
- Nominations close on February 4 before our event
- Voting will last a week
- 20th Anniversary Update
- Updates on Action Items from December
- New Business
- Wonderwall Financial Update
- Ryan has done a lot of work to separate WW money from DC money prior to WW formation
- We have a good idea of our financial backstop – if needed
- Matt Johnson Photographer Contract
- Last year was $1,000
- More DC specific shots would be nice
- Hope to get some pre-game photos this coming year
- Could be good to pick a game and put it out there to get as many people as possible
- Definitely interested in re-upping the contract – Andy will reach out about it
- Chant App
- QR codes will be available with reveal at February 4 meeting
- Hope to be able to allow people to put up the code at games and other events
- QR codes will be available with reveal at February 4 meeting
- ISC Updates
- Breakouts were more discussion and being helpful – not just complaining
- We (as part of Wonderwall) won Tifo of the Year!
- We are doing good things in the community
- One frustrating part was that no Open Cup discussion happened
- Planned to have an ISC-wide Zoom call to discuss options if MLS sucks
- Talk happened about doing a “Why is US Open Cup important” social media posts
- Put ideas on Slack about feelings
- Away Travel should be better this year – apart from Austin
- ISC made a formalized agreement of standards with MLS
- Boot Soccer Tournament – February 17
- We will reach out for interest
- Will figure out what to do about the tickets
- Motion made by Andy to pay the registration fee – Second by Nick
- Unopposed approval
- We will reach out for interest
- Wonderwall Financial Update
- Open to Board
- D4C
- Invoicing via Paypal this year
- Common Bond will be the partner again this year
- We helped to subsidize a building of theirs this year
- Looking into sponsoring families from the building to come to a game this year
- Will be run through DGS this year to help standardize and make more efficient
- Meagan no longer on DGS board
- Thunderwall Anniversary
- Missed their celebration last year, don’t want to steal our Anniversary
- Want to do something to honor 5 years of being at Allinaz
- Birthday theme night
- Okay with essentially everything apart from Merch for it
- D4C
- Open to Public
- 20th Anniversary Video
- Adam Wells willing to help out with some video production stuff
- 20th Anniversary Video
- Set Date for Next Meeting
- Slack poll in the next few days – between February 11 and 16th
- Adjournment 4:59pm