The Board of Directors’ next meeting will be held over Zoom on Tuesday, March 9 at 7:00pm.

The meeting is open to the public. Please email president@dark-clouds.com to request access to the online meeting.

Dark Clouds Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Thursday, February 4, 2021



Board Members Present:  Nach Karnik, Sam Solberg, Meagan Weber, Andy Wattenhofer, David Zeller, Andrew Bruski, Shaun Sapala, Maggi Heyer, Jack McFarland, Ty Hoagland, Alec Vohnoutka

Absent: Andy Kahl

I. Call to Order

Sam calls meeting to order at 6:34pm.

II. Approval of Minutes

Zeller made motion to approve. Motion approved.

III. Reports of Officers and Committees                                    

a. Treasurer’s Report  – Andy W.

  1. Still trying to coordinate the hand off of Andy W’s duties in WW accounting. There is an accountant that Abe has identified. First meetings are planned with Andy and the accountant.
  2. WW will have a much smaller amount of income for the 2021 season, which will lead to us having to watch much closer how we budget our committees moving into this year.
    1. Nach – Maybe this is an opportunity, to creatively find other ways to bring income into the overall organization?

b. Committee Updates 


  1. Had first pre-season meeting
    1. Lot of GREAT ideas for the 2021 season.
  2. 2021 Member scarf is in the final stages of designs.
    1. Feb 15th design will need to be finalized. Monday, Feb 22nd final design will be released.
    2. Scarf will cost 35 dollars for this year’s membership.
      1. Portion of this will go to charity. This will be discussed in new business.


  1. Maggi is running for WW board. If elected, we will need a replacement.


  1. Andy K and Alec are getting things up and running. Peaceful transition of power from Nach.
  2. New social media strategies that are currently going out.
  3. Working on roll out for new membership scarves for 2021.
  4. Karl is back in the group.
  5. Videos?/ New Multi-Media plans.

Silver Lining

  1. Just a few upcoming events for Silver Lining
    1. CANMN – food and necessities drive on Feb 27th.
    2. Bee Run and River Clean up happening in April.


  1. Membership focused on the message around why we are charging $35 dollars this year, and what the card is going to bring to the membership.
  2. Membership will take “customer service” lead on issues around membership this year.
  3. Membership is committing to a membership survey will happen in 2021
    1. Commitment date of May


  1.  Zeller setting up meeting with Summit about Dark Clouds beer. This may happen by summer?
  2. Assuming we have a season, we will need to start reaching out to partners to gauge their level of interest in past agreements.


  1. Not a lot of updates until we understand what the 2021 season is going to look like.
  2. Ty is leaving in August for Norway. Replacement will need to be found.

IV. Old Business

  1. Update on Action Items from December 2020
    1. Chris Wright email, what happened with this? – Sam
      1. This is what was written last month: 
      2. Email has been pinned to board slack.
        1. Feedback
          1. DC board has a few issues with WW communication that has been released to public. Using language of ultimatums and bargaining with the team may not be appropriate.
          2. DC board hopes that WW board can have a single point of contact to the team. So contact with team can be consistent.
          3. Team still has not addressed issues with the neighborhood and the issues that the stadium has caused around the neighborhood.
          4. Next steps we want to see is a meeting with the team.

V. New Business

  1. D⁴C
    1. Happening for the 2021 Season – Nick
  2. Charity/non-profit to pair with membership scarf sales – Bruski
    1. Portion of the $35 purchase of membership/scarf will go to charity.
    2. We need to choose one.
    3. Poll will be placed on Slack tomorrow night to decide where we donate.
  3. DC election update – Zeller
    1. Information on elections has been passed to MCS.
    2. Nominations will be open until Feb 22nd. 
    3. Elections will be on Feb 26th – Following Monday March 1st.
    4. Social media and marketing push will be needed from all of us/Dark Clouds.
      1. This will include a stream on the 26th.
  1. Preparing for lockout actions – Sam leading
    1. Sam read statement from WW slack
      1. Board feels asking fans to revoke their tickets might not be the right message.
      2. Showing support for players in the situation on social media might be our best path forward.
      3. Sam will communicate back to WW on what the board’s thoughts are.

VI. Open to Board

  1. DGS has non-profit filing and a bank account!

VI. Open to Public

  1. None

VII. Set Date for Next Meeting

  1. Will be on Zoom

VIII. Adjournment

  1. 8:41PM Meeting closed

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