![Dark Clouds Board Meeting](https://www.dark-clouds.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/IMG_2083.jpg)
The Board of Directors’ next meeting will be on Thursday, November 21st at 6:30pm in the back room at Black Hart in St. Paul.
The meeting is open to the public.
Dark Clouds Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Black Hart of Saint Paul
Board Members Present: Nach Karnik, David Zeller, Meagan Weber, Casey Mullan, Sam Solberg, Andy Reierson, Andrew Bruski, David Martin (phone)
Absent: Maggi Heyer-Erlandson, Andrew Beck, Jake Chalcraft
I. Call to Order
Sam called to order at 6:40pm
II. Approval of Minutes
Nach moved. Andy Reierson seconded. September minutes approved.
III. Reports of Officers and Committees
a. Treasurer’s Report – Andy Reierson
Report is in the Slack channel. We’re doing better than last year overall.
Auction raised ~$2500 for Like a Girl. $1500 has been donated already, the rest to come after it has cleared the PayPal account.
DCCCC invoices should be going out this week.
$500 donation has been sent to MSS.
b. Committee Updates
- Flags arrived Monday October 21st.
- Meeting coming this Sunday October 27th.
- Merch committee needs 2-3+ more volunteers for next year.
- Will request updates via Slack.
- Taking a few weeks before beginning to plan for 2020.
- Per conversation on WW matchday Slack, we should be able to leave flags and banners in the Allianz closet during the off-season. Plan is to move drums only to GBC office
- Will request updates via Slack.
- We’re in offseason mode. Newsletter every other week.
- Hoping to get a donations recap out this week, but might have to wait until members have more bandwidth.
- Edu has taken lead on the Spanish language account and has been doing a nice job so far.
- Submitted mar/comm/social budget to Andy on time.
- Asked for less money this year because ambitions for this year didn’t match the ability to execute those ambitions.
Silver Lining
- Final Hostile takeover happened over October 4th weekend. Cleaned and installed storm windows at the hostile.
- Free Bikes for Kids coming up on November 12th 6-9pm. This is an open SG volunteer event.
- Meeting next week.
- Will request updates via Slack.
- No update.
- David Zeller meeting with Able Brewing.
- Finishing partnership guidelines.
- Prioritizing maintaining communication with our partners.
- Will have budget in soon.
- Funds issue at the beginning of the year, this needs to be avoided for next season. This is a Wonderwall issue.
- Playoff Tifo completed in 5 days.
- We’ve learned a lot this season about what does and doesn’t work in the new stadium. Optimistic for next year.
- Tifo working with Merch on a playoff Tifo merch thing (ie t-shirt or other merch option with the playoff tifo on it).
- Finding a lack of engagement on the committee, and they need more committee volunteers. Need to recruit during the offseason.
IV. Old Business
a. Update on Action Items from 9/19/19
Email budget for 2020 Template – Andy R.
- Andy still working to get the rest of the budgets. New deadline of October 31st.
Mar/Com/Social Request for Google Calendar announcement – Nach
- Nach keeping the calendar up to date. To put in request to Mar/Com/Social soon.
WW merch across all supporters groups – Andy R.
- Red Loons have fulfilled their obligations. TNE have added some listings but not all have images. They don’t have everything done yet. Sam and Nach meeting with WW and will discuss with them then.
Bylaws more accessible on DC website – Sam
- DC Website -> About -> About us. Bylaws can be found there. Done.
Contact WW and FO about membership 2020 – Andrew Beck
- Tabling for the offseason.
Discuss with WW about using stadium grounds for merch sales 2020 – Andy R.
- Post went unanswered on Slack channel. Sam to bring up during the WW meeting.
Meet with non-profit app developers – Andy R.
- GoodGame App. Andy met with them last week. Andy planning to move the DCCCC over to them for next season. Company takes 7% off the top. Andy having regular meetings on this. Is there a partnership opportunity in this? Andy and Zeller to discuss.
Discuss with Jim Crist & WW about denying/refunding merch purchases – Andrew Bruski
- Too much to police and to legally handle. We won’t be doing this. What options do we have in person? Casey to continue looking into. Merch committee to discuss.
DC Discord Forum – Nach
- Nach talked to Anna from Dark Gliteratti about it and it seems like it could be a good place for this communication. More needs to be done with moderating the forums. Nach to continue looking into.
b. Other old business
MSS help from DC for using their space
- Sent over a donation. See update in Treasurer’s Report
Flag order
- Late but here. See update in Merch update.
Summit Brewing update
- Waiting for people to get on the same page. Summit is already donating a lot of beer for different things currently. This will be an ongoing process.
DCCCC Update
- Haven’t decided who to send the last $600 from midseason and there are more donations coming from the end of the season. We have pledged to the Community Benefit fund and David Zeller is to meet with them next week. All needs to be donated by the end of this fiscal year.
Silver Lining 501(c)3 updates
- The board has been finalized. Update has not been sent out yet so no names to be announced until then. Initial board to meet in the next few weeks.
Community Benefits fund donation
- No update. Tabling.
V. New Business
a. Minneapolis watch party location – David Z.
La Dona is a good option. Zeller to reach out with Sergio about this.
b. Postseason retreat scheduling – Nach
Want a one weekend day retreat with the board to collaborate and discuss the season. One suggestion is to have it for the new board after elections. Should also reconsider when elections are. Potentially will look at the beginning of January (1st -15th). Nach to send a poll to find out the best date between now and the end of season.
c. Post-season volunteer appreciation party discussion & scheduling – Nach
Nach to pick a date and send out invites.
VI. Open to Board
Silver lining: Sam having coffee with woman from International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) to see if there is a partnership opportunity there.
VI. Open to Public
VII. Set Date for Next Meeting
Thursday November 21st @ 6:30pm at Black Hart of St. Paul.
VIII. Adjournment
Sam adjourned at 7:45pm.