The Board of Directors’ next meeting will be on Thursday, October 24th at 6:30pm in the back room at Black Hart in St. Paul.
The meeting is open to the public.
Dark Clouds Board of Director Meeting Minutes
Black Hart of Saint Paul
Board Members:
Present: Sam Solberg, David Zeller, Andy Reierson, Andrew Bruski, Meagan Weber, Maggi Heyer-Erlandson, Jake Chalcraft, Andrew Beck, Casey Mullan, Nach Karnik
Absent: David Martin
I. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Sam Solberg
II. Approval of Minutes
a. BoD meeting minutes on 8/26/19
Nach moved. Andy seconded. Approved.
III. Reports of Officers and Committees
a. Treasurer’s Report – Andy Reierson
15% ahead of budget for this year. Last year we were 6% behind.
Should finish ahead of last year for memberships.
10% ahead compared to last year for merch and membership.
Andy has information from all sales this year to get everything for taxes and budgeting together.
b. Committee Updates
Ramping down for this year, unexpectedly.
Made iron front buttons and stickers. Proceeds from buttons going to charity. No decision on which has been made yet.
New flag will be here for the next home match.
Protest last weekend went as expected
End of the year awards open until the end of the month. Emails have been sent out.
Silver Lining
2nd of the 2 midway cleanup. Picked up 300 lbs of trash between all SGs.
$400,000 raised for Purple RideStride.
Itasca Hostel takeover coming up. Last year this will take place as the hostel is closing.
Free bikes for kids is Tuesday Nov. 12th. Going to make it an open WW event.
DC happy hour had a few people show up.
Union Park District Council PB & Jam even went ok, low interaction with DC though.
Low on membership scarves.
IV. Old Business
a. Update on Action Items from 8/26/19
- More information on the 2020 Budget – Andy Reierson
Template is ready to go. Andy to email them to people. Due October 21st, but the earlier the better.
Should there be an operating budget line for DC? For use on Survey Monkey, other DC things that don’t fall under any other budget line.
- Mar/Com/Social regaining access to all accounts – Sam Solberg & Nach Karnik
Sam and Casey now have access to the Google Calendar. We will start updating that ongoing. Need to decide what committee meetings should be included in that calendar, since not all are open to the public. Things open to all members should be posted. Nach will take ownership of the Google Calendar. It will be added within 24 hours of request. Nach to put in a request to Mar/Comm/Social to announce to everyone.
Jake has access to everything else they need now.
- MSS about using Tifo space – David Zeller
We’re using the space for Tifo this weekend. They want some help from us for using their space on projects at their locations. More information to come, during the off season likely.
- Remove Pride Tifo from Allianz Storage – David Martin
Going to be worked on this weekend, so it’ll have to get removed. Done.
b. Flag Order
The big flag is being shipped. Small flag still needs a design, hoping to get them for playoffs. Basic design has been decided, just need to get final edition from the designer. Hopefully in the next few days.
c. Wonderwall Merch across all SGs – Andy Reierson
Deadline came and went with no progress. Red Loons now have their login info. TNE have a key to the office. Planning to have a cross-SG meeting in the offseason. New proposed deadline for the end of the month.
d. Make Bylaws more accessible – Sam Solberg & Jake Chalcraft
Sam to continue working on this. Tabling.
e. Contact team and Wonderwall about membership 2020 – Andrew Beck
Going to do this in the offseason. Tabling.
f. Stadium grounds for merch sales next year
Needs to come through WW. It’s in our budget to buy something for selling merch out of (truck, van, etc.) Andy to find out if this could be a possibility with WW. Waiting for the offseason to bring up with the FO.
g. Summit Brewing update
Still in the process of getting approval. No new updates. Tabling.
h. DCCCC update
About ¾ toward total second wave of collections there
Completed SAYAC donations
There’s a new app for non-profit donation collections. Local startup that reached out and have been working with TNE. Andy meeting with them Saturday 9/21.
i. Silver Lining 501(c)3 updates – Andy Reierson
Interviews going strong. Going to narrow it down to 5 people. Planning to wrap up interviews by the end of next week, early October at the latest.
V. New Business
a. Denying/refunding merch purchases
Needs to be a decision for WW. If this does happen we need to have a disclaimer on the merch sales pages. Bruski to talk to Jim about bringing this up with WW.
b. Dark Clouds Discord Forum – Nach Karnik
Want to build more community around our group. Discord is like a more open Slack. Would need moderation and policies around this alone. Goal is to build a larger/broader DC internal community. Nach to look into this more.
c. DC end of year charity auction – David Zeller
Date is Thursday October 10th at Black Hart @ 6:30pm. Team is donating a couple things. Talking to some food venders. Looking to open up the donation recipients beyond Sanneh foundation.
d. Community Benefits Fund donation – David Zeller
Want the first donation to be a larger donation. St. Paul Foundation will facilitate the money. People would apply for micro-grants, advisory board to review, and only 501(c)3’s would be able to receive the money and they would work on giving that money to the person who applied for the grant. Want the advisory board to be responsible for deciding what types of grants would be approved, but the big focus on women and minority business owners.
VI. Open to Board a. WW board has had some changes since the start of the year. Currently down 2 members.
VII. Set Date for Next Meeting
To be determined on Slack.
VIII. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned 8:20pm by Sam.