The Board of Directors’ next meeting will be on Thursday, September 19th at 6:30pm in the back room at Black Hart in St. Paul. You can read the agenda for the meeting at the conclusion of the minutes below.
The meeting is open to the public.
Dark Clouds Board of Director Meeting Minutes
Black Hart of Saint Paul
Board Members:
Present: Sam Solberg, David Zeller, Andy Reierson, Andrew Bruski, Meagan Weber, Maggi Heyer-Erlandson, Jake Chalcraft, Andrew Beck, David Martin, Casey Mullan
Absent: Nach Karnik
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Sam Solberg
Approval of Minutes
BoD meeting minutes on 7/9/19 moved by David Zeller, second Maggie E, all in favor.
Andrew Beck moved to move New Business Item A to next in agenda, Bruski second, all in favor.
David Zeller moved, Bruski 2nd all in favor, Casey Mullan was voted in as Secretary for the remainder of Zoey’s term.
Reports of Officers and Committees
Treasurer’s Report – Andy Reireson
- 6% behind the end of July last year.
- Membership going down per normal for this time of the season.
- Have contributed 3/4 of the total Wonderwall revenue.
- Within 30 days (Sept. 10) all official SGs need to be using Shopify to sell all available merch from Wonderwall.
- October 21st for the final budget to Wonderwall.
Committee Updates
- DC academy went well but needs to be done at the beginning of next year
- Informal Happy Hour targeting new members, but for all members, the night before Pachuca (Sept. 6th) at Utipils.
- Sept. 14 Union park district council is having an ice cream, PB and jam social. 12-4pm at Merriam Park. Team sponsors, we’ll be there too. Recruiting people from 1:45-4
- Still looking for Vice Chair
- Iconic shirt sales doing well. Extra were purchased and will be sold in person only.
- Koozies sales have almost broken even.
- New Darkness tees on sale, considering turning into a patch or sticker but still in the works. Likely the last t-shirt for this year.
- Flags: getting designs by Friday 8/2
- Added HourCar as a partner. Need to email to get the code.
- Added MonkeyInADryer as a partner, 10% off orders.
- Indeed Brewery will allow us access to their side-room for an event. They also donated beer to the New Mexico traveling supporters.
- There is a potential space for tifo from a non-profit (see TIFO); discussions are still in the works.
- Wonderwall Meeting 9/5. All Supporters Groups to be represented there.
- Considering ordering some smaller big flags (smaller than 10×15). Going off the Merch flag to be announced.
Silver Lining
- Next meeting Monday August 26th.
- Events:
- Purple ride-stride Septeber 14th (same as Membership event)
- Hostel takeover October 6th weekend
- Free bikes for kids – Want to give us our own night, all Wonderwall SGs non-profits. Sometime in November
- Sanneh Foundation TBD – Legends Club tournament the week before Christmas
- Cookie Cart sometime in December.
- DC charity auction TBD. Zeller to check with Wes to figure out a day that works for Black Hart to host. Need to determine when to have it around Playoffs since there is potential for conflicting times. (killin’ it)
- Philando Castile went great. DC was a sponsor and donated $500 and some merch. $10,920 total raised for the scholarship fund.
- Going to continue cross supporters’ groups volunteer work while maintaining Silver Lining
- Nick Rodriguez and Andy Reierson took over the Dark Clouds Charity Card Club.
- Collections are going well. 2/3 have been paid for the second period, about $1500 done. About 90% of collections for first period completed.
- Donated $500 directly to the Philando Castile fundraiser.
- Need a nomination committee to nominate the board to work toward obtaining 501c3 status.
- Daniel Hills, Christian Fitchett, and Andy Reierson did committee nomination
- 9 people they’re considering, still need people who have fundraising experience
- Member selection – emailing to see if they’re interested, then interview process with the 3 of them. The process has just started
- There will be a meeting next week before SL meeting to go over all the details.
- Want nominees completed by the end of September
- Mid-September to start interviewing candidates
- New Facebook volunteer is Sarah Ditto.
- 10,000+ followers on Twitter
- Members are locked out of Google & YouTube.
- Please follow the two weeks’ notice rule for events for the committee. They need the time to schedule things to go out.
- Have a 501C3 in St. Paul Midwest Special Services (MSS), but the space isn’t available until September.
- Planning to start a generic TIFO to have ready for whenever it’s done, or a playoff game. Won’t have enough time to get one for sure for end of September.
- Unlikely to have a permanent TIFO location. If someone knows someone let someone on Tifo or the board know.
- There are plans to re-use the pride Tifo after repairs are finished. Date TBD.
Old Business
- Flag order: waiting on designs.
- Sam updated bylaws to change conflict of interest section.
- Need to make bylaws more accessible. Sam to work with Jake.
- Contact Wonderwall and team for membership next year.
- Beck to wait until September. No new news, tabling.
- Stadium ground for merch sales next year. Waiting to bring up until closer to time. Tabling.
New Business
- Summit Brewing: David Zeller met with Ian and Paul, DC members at Summit that are excited for brewing in partnership with Dark Clouds. Planning to make 12 oz and 16 oz cans and draught for the stadium or local bars. Need details completed by the end of the year to have it ready since there is a 6-8 month turnaround.
- Names: Scottish Lake Monster, Follow, Nessie, etc.
- Jake to consider names for branding. How much of our branding are we willing to let them use (Cans, tap handles, etc.)
- Send thoughts and ideas to Zeller to give to Summit. They’ll have the final say.
- Considering any financial things to capitalize on, either for profit or non-profit.
- $300 to fulfil obligations for this year. Looking for potential beneficiaries
- Could donate to Silver Lining after 501C3 potentially.
- Setting aside some money for Red Card to Racism. Looking at a potential to have regular % to go to them annually.
- Local causes that could be a good fit send to Andy and Nick.
- Andy and Sam attended the Wonderwall Supporters Groups Leadership meeting with TNE & Red Loons members.
- Wonderwall currently has 2 positions open on the board. Beck and Maggie volunteered to put their names in as nominees.
Open to Board
- Portland asked if we’re willing to make a statement about the MLS code of conduct with respect to the Iron Front.
- Sam to put message in the Slack channel for all to review.
- Andy Reierson to write a draft by Friday evening 8/23.
- There is a push to rework the code of conduct to apply outside of the supporter’s section on matchday. Sam to continue working with Wonderwall.
- Committee definitions coming out from Wonderwall: Travel, Tifo, Matchday and Partnership.
Set Date for Next Meeting
Next meeting date will be set up through Slack.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm by Sam Solberg.