Dark Clouds Follow Flag (Photo: Daniel Mick)
Greetings fellow MNUFC Supporters,
As Abe stated in his May 1st update from the Board, the Dark Clouds—along with other supporters groups like TNE and Red Loons—are working together to create a new framework for the future of supporters groups in Minnesota. Part of that effort is to create a clear split between the Dark Clouds General Benefit Corp (GBC), which will be renamed in an effort to unite all supporters, and the Dark Clouds Supporters Group (SG). The current Dark Clouds Board of Directors governs both the Dark Clouds GBC and SG, that has created a need for the Dark Clouds SG to build a new leadership structure instead of sharing it with the GBC. This model is the same as other supporters groups in Minnesota such as TNE and the Red Loons.
To create this much needed structure, a working group has been created of active Dark Clouds from across our section, doing our best to represent every perspective. The role of this working group is to create a new charter and any other important governing documents for our SG. We are just getting started on this process and want to create the best structure possible for all of our members. Our goal is to build a leadership framework that enables the Dark Clouds in our unique and ridiculous support of our team, while also enabling us to be the largest and most respected SG in Minnesota and MLS.
Our goal is to finish our work by early October and present it to the Dark Clouds membership at that point. Our entire working group has agreed it’s important to keep all members updated as we go and will continue to do so regularly during this process. In the meantime the Dark Clouds SG is continuing to operate as it has in the past:continuing to do all of the great things we have always done along with some super cool new stuff as well.
We will be updating Dark Clouds members during this process—both online and in person. If you have any questions or suggestions about this process, please do not hesitate to contact the working group at workinggroup@dark-clouds.com .
Andrew Beck
Andrew Bruski
Jake Chalcraft
Maggi Heyer-Erlandson
Katie Jarvi
Ben Krouse-Gagne
May Losloso
David Martin
Jim Oliver
Edu Rosales
Kate Thersleff
Andy Wattenhofer
Meagan Weber
David Zeller