Dark Clouds Share Silver Lining with Free Bikes 4 Kidz

The same week as MLS featured the Dark Clouds for sharing their Silver Lining with The Sanneh Foundation, our wonderful volunteers were back at it again.

Free Bikes 4 Kidz aims to distribute over 9000 bikes to underprivileged children in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metro area this holiday season. Dark Clouds members teamed up with Free Bikes 4 Kidz, for a fourth consecutive year to clean, prep and assemble a portion of these bikes.

Free Bikes 4 Kidz exists to distribute bikes to low-income families and children, which gives them a reason to exercise and improve their physical and mental health, while experiencing childhood joy and freedom.

If you’re interested in participating in future Silver Lining events, keep your eyes on our website, twitter and facebook as we’ll post there. Or you can drop us a note to be added to our forthcoming Silver Lining Newsletter

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