Volunteers at the Silver Lining Paint Scrapin' Party at the Conway Rec Center
On Sunday, December 11th, 13 Dark Clouds braved the cold and snowy weather to share their Silver Lining with The Sanneh Foundation. Many, many square feet of cinder block wall were scraped in the 46 total hours contributed by our volunteers! Now that the walls are ready to go, The Sanneh Foundation will be able to prime and paint the Conway Community Center thanks to a grant from Sherwin-Willams’ Color A Brighter Tomorrow Charity Makeover Fund.

Thank you so much to all our volunteers and the Sanneh Foundation for having us out to help! Another hard and dirty job well done. Special thanks to Tod Herskovitz and Eric Stempinski from TSF for organizing the event and providing scrapers & pizza. And, of course, a big thank you to our friends at Summit for providing some beverages to enjoy during our break!