MNUFC Stadium Render
Want to watch some shovels finally hit the ground on our new stadium? You’re invited if you’ve got a voice to sing with us!
MNUFC is breaking ground on their new stadium on Monday, December 12th. We’ve been asked (along with TNE) to share in this momentous occasion along with our singing and our flags. This is a pivotal moment in Minnesota soccer history that you’re not going to want to miss!
If you choose to attend, you will be expected to sing and participate. (No quietly slinking to the top of the stand.)
Click here to RSVP and confirm your attendance. (You must RSVP to attend)
Once you RSVP, please come to the Midpointe Event Center (415 Pascal St N) before 1:30 pm on December 12th (doors open 1:00 pm). Bring your Dark Clouds scarves and hats.