The Dark Clouds will be holding our annual Supporters’ Summit at the home of our new beer sponsor — the Summit Brewing Company — on March 2nd. The organized festivities start at 7:30 pm. Here is a map to Summit’s Brewery located at 910 Montreal Cir, St Paul, MN 55102.
The Supporters Summit is totally free to attend and everyone is welcome. You do not need to be a member, shareholder, Czar, Khan, Jim Oliver or certified jackass to attend. We’ve had total newbies come to these before and they’ve had a blast.
We will be electing three members to the Dark Clouds General Benefit Corporation (DCGBC) Board of Directors (What does the board do?). You’re welcome to nominate yourself for a board position. In order to vote you must purchase a $5 share in the Dark Clouds General Benefit Corporation. This must be done at least 48 hours in advance of the Summit. In return for buying a share in the GBC you’ll get a beer/drink voucher. This election is important enough that we made a separate post about it too.
See you there!
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