The Dark Clouds have been lucky to attract people that will keep in touch and keep helping, even from a distance. Sadly we’re elated to announce that one of our most active exec board members is about to become one of those sleeper cell DCs in a far-off place.
Ben’s been a terrific asset to the group because he doesn’t have a lot of advice about what the group should do. Ben puts his time and his money behind his ideas and he gets other people excited about them and gets them done. Most of the big displays you’ve seen in the past couple years here have happened in large part because Ben got people and resources organized to get them done. Ben moving on to another town is an opportunity to bring some new voices and imaginations to the forefront, but we’d prefer keeping Ben close.
Have fun starting DCSFO, Pfutz. See you soon.
To celebrate Ben’s last game with the Dark Clouds this weekend vs. San Antonio make sure to drink a Hamm’s beer.