Photo by Matt Johnson (mattjphoto.net)
The Board of Directors’ next meeting will be held at Black Hart on Wednesday, October 26 at 7:00pm.
The meeting is open to the public.
Dark Clouds Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, September 27, 2022 7:00pm
Black Hart
Board Members Present: Jackson Smith, Alicia Pedersen, Sam Solberg, Meagan Weber, Maggi Heyer
Absent: Jens Selin, Shaun Sapala, Jim Crist, Andy Wattenhofer, Andy Kahl, Jack McFarland, Andrew Bruski
I. Call to Order 7:05 pm
II. Approval of minutes
Meagan approves, Maggi seconds, 5 approved, 0 against
III. Reports of Officers and Committees
- Treasurer’s Report
- About $1,000 in the red – just keep an eye out
- Committee Updates
- Merch
- Two pre-sale releases planned for October: long-sleeve shirt and a jacket (in that order)
- Matchday
- Tentative March-to-Match with all SGs for October 9
- Delayed on ordering flags – likely waiting until next season
- Mar/Com/Social
- Newsletter tomorrow
- Off-season plan in the works
- Silver Lining
- Oktoberfest coming up soon
- 104 out of 120 volunteer shifts filled
- FB4K will most likely be in November – likely an all SG event
- Still working on getting a CANMN event
- Will be discussion about continued support for Bee Run after reviewing issues brought up by Andy W.
- Need to refill voLOONteer shirt bins – especially after Oktoberfest
- Oktoberfest coming up soon
- Membership
- Emailed 162 people to pick up 270 scarves
- Shipped about 27 orders – more than 27 scarves
- Starting to plan for next year
- Partnership
- Met with Angela at Pryes to go over things
- Should be able to donate keg for EOY party
- Still interested in doing photoshoot
- Need to reach out to others for auction items
- Met with Angela at Pryes to go over things
- Tifo
- Still on track to have a tifo for the last home game
- Party Planning Committee
- Still happening at Black Hart on November 16
- Start around 6:00 pm with online silent auction
- Working on getting a keg donated (Partnership)
- Voting for awards starts October 9-ish
- Merch
IV. Old Business
- Update on Action Items from August
- Email issues & Volunteer interest form
- Done
- Email issues & Volunteer interest form
- Other Old Business
- None
V. New Business
- Cleaning up Slack
- A thing to do in the off-season
VI. Open to Board
- None
VI. Open to the Public
- None
VII. Set Date for Next Meeting
- Jackson will do it soon in Slack