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The Board of Directors’ next meeting will be held over Zoom on Wednesday, July 14 at 7:00pm.
The meeting is open to the public. Please email president@dark-clouds.com to request access to the online meeting.
Dark Clouds Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 7th, 2021
Board Members Present: Jack McFarland, Meagan Weber, Jens Selin, Shaun Sapala, Alicia Pedersen, David Zeller, Samantha Solberg, Andy Wattenhofer, Andrew Bruski, Nick Rodriguez
Absent: Maggi Heyer, Andy Kahl, Ty Hoaglund
Guests: Neal Logan
I. Call to Order
7:05 p.m.
II. Approval of Minutes
David Zeller made a motion to approve, Andrew Bruski seconded. Motion passes.
III. Reports of Officers and Committees
a. Treasurer’s Report
Membership money from pass through and standalone sales: Nach is the elected WW Treasurer and has been pushing a finance committee. Working on a financial policy, which includes defining the membership/pass through money as WW money. Also working on things like scarf orders and having a way to track any extra scarf orders, etc.
We should be getting pass through dollars again in a few weeks and then another one later in the year. We do have money in the bank, partially from savings, but it will be good to have those payments come through so we can start using what we need. WW board is working on separating out expenses between the SGs and WW.
b. Committee Updates
- Bad news – we ordered 200 masks and they came the week that the mask order was lifted. We’ve only sold 20 so far. We’ll work on ways to market them.
- Good news – 110 Pride shirts sold! Should be coming any day now and will be getting to people prior to the match on the 23rd. Pride scarves should arrive next week.
- Merch tables at Black Hart for each game; open to doing other watch party locations as we move forward.
- We sold out of flags-should we order more of the same (with the new font) or redesign the flag? Get back to Bruski
- We are waiting on a matchday update from the team. Maggi will post more in the board channel when there is information to share.
- we’re in a bit of a reset period, and we could use more volunteers. If you know someone likely, reach out and ask if they’d like to help.
- we’re going to provide updates to charity functions this week via all channels, including a newsletter.
- I’m working hard to develop more content that isn’t just asking folx to spend money – I’m happy we’ve had the success we’ve had, but we could sell more / amplify louder if there was other content at the base
- starting next week, just about everything for the week will be cooked up and scheduled on Sunday.
Silver Lining
- Calmed down a bit with events after a crazy Spring. We are doing another CANMN donation drive on 06/20. Signup and MCS are ready to go.
- Shaun has a meeting with Urban Strategies this week to discuss another possible event (this is the group that does Green Garden Bakery)
- Looking at our July events
- Alicia has been going through the survey info and getting charts. We learned our lesson with not posting a secure link (we had a lot of spam). Draft was shared and Alicia is working on finalizing it. We are also are looking at some membership events, possibly at Ninth Street Soccer.
- Committee met two weeks ago-watch party and captains updates will be in old business.
- Update on Summit beer-nothing yet
- No updates from Ty
- Jack has posted in the WW Tifo channel several times and is not getting responses from other groups (specifically with regards to the 06/23 match).
IV. Old Business
- Update on Action Items from last meeting
- None
- Other Old Business
- Watch Parties/La Dona Status
- Black Hart back in as a watch party partner, new deal is $4.00 Summits.
- Eagan Arms is also back in and the deal is the same, excited about the merch table being there on occasion. We’ll be able to officially announce watch parties are back.
- La Dona-Salsa night is going to interfere with our late Saturday matches; TVs had no sound, very busy. 5 matches have at least some overlap. Sergio understands our concerns about these matches, so no bridges will be burned there. We have avoided hopping around for watch party locations in the past, but Ninth Street might be a good late night option for us. NS is good with BYOB right now and are hoping to have food trucks available.
- We want to be sure we are being clear about our marketing if there are potential conflicts with a watch party location. Other locations suggested; the committee will look into them.
- Watch party captains-role is being outlined mostly as a facilitator/coordinator (meet the bar staff, ask/answer questions, announcements, etc). They are not enforcers-they are the eyes and ears for the board in case any disciplinary action needs to take place or changes need to be made going forward. Hoping to have a couple ready for the 06/19 match and then have a calendar for future matches so people can plan it out.
- Watch Parties/La Dona Status
V. New Business
- ISC/Black Players for Change Juneteenth initiative discussion
- Looking to make something to display at Black Hart on the 19th (we are away); we could also make something to send down there. BH seems like the best option. Look into options, talk to Ty about design, figure out where to paint. Jack will reach out to Ty, Zeller will get measurements from BH. Paint this weekend.
VI. Open to Board
- Like a Girl responded to our donation and requested a meeting. Sam will coordinate.
- Sanneh may have a small event coming up; Andy W will update.
- United Way donation is currently at $1250; we can make the donation online
- When should we discuss in-person board meetings? Will make a poll in Slack
- Virtual watch party discussion – consensus is to cease doing those and cancel the Streamyard subscription
VI. Open to Public
- Neal Logan – we’re still trying to locate the missing award; if we can’t find it, we’ll re-order.
VII. Set Date for Next Meeting
- Meagan will message in Slack (will look to schedule after the 4th of July)
VIII. Adjournment
9:10 p.m.