The Board of Directors’ next meeting will be held over Zoom on Thursday, September 3rd at 6:00pm.
The meeting is open to the public. Please email president@dark-clouds.com to request access to the online meeting.
Dark Clouds Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
6:00 PM
Board Members Present: Nach Karnik, Sam Solberg, Maggi Heyer, Meagan Weber, Andy Wattenhofer, David Zeller, Andrew Bruski, Jack McFarland
Absent: Shaun Sapala
I. Call to Order
Sam Calls to Order 6:03PM
II. Approval of Minutes
Sam made motion to approve, Nach seconded. Motion approved.
III. Reports of Officers and Committees
a. Treasurer’s Report – Andy
A. Andy R has gotten back to us, he is beginning to share information with us so we can start creating the same monthly reports he was building for us.
B. Next month we should have more to see on reporting and numbers.
b. Committee Updates
- Sales are good, steady right now.
- Not a lot of new stuff, a few things in the design phase. Want to slow down to see what’s going to happen with the season after MLSisBack.
- Year over year sales seem to be lower, using Pride scarf as a marker. Due to COVID
- 🙁
- Getting ready to put out a statement if games start with fans in stands.
- Streaming/Watch Parties – Question, are they bringing anything to our group?
- A lot of fun getting people together even virtually.
- The feedback we have gotten has been positive.
- Group voted against having DC events in Allianz if fans are allowed back into the stadium during Pandemic.
- Hellen has been trained in on website
- Has been trained in on mailchimp
- Thinking through messaging on what happens after tournament
- What to do if we win?
Silver Lining
- Hosted event a few weeks ago with BLM mural painting.
- Getting together with formal safety protocols for what we are asking for when setting up and hosting events. This will include what we will and will not do.
- Team has reached out with two events
- One was next day and didn’t have enough time
- Call with the team to talk about future collaborations.
- Team looking at more “educational” events.
- Clear about the basic need for more time in setting up gatherings of people.
- Agreed to bi-weekly calls to keep up-to-date.
- Aug 13th event coming up. United Way Action Day.
- Sign up genius form coming soon.
- Conversation with Justin at Allianz to have a social distanced scarf pickup.
- Didn’t dismiss ask right away.
- 56 Brewing Update
- They have reopened.
- Cale has divested his ownership in the company.
- Jack will follow up with them soon.
- Sam made a tifo! It is currently at Allianz field.
- Tifo was made for team in Orlando
- Both projects were completed with collaboration from TNE
- Ty Hoagland has expressed interest in working on future tifo projects or leadership.
IV. Old Business
- Update on Action Items from June 2020
- None
- Other Old Business
- None
V. New Business.
- Adopting the new mission statement – Nach
- Original – The mission of the Dark Clouds is to passionately and irreverently support MNUFC and actively build communities around soccer where all are welcome.
- Zeller’s Suggestion – The mission of the Dark Clouds is to passionately support MNUFC with total jackassery and actively build communities around soccer where all are welcome
- New Suggestion – The mission of the Dark Clouds is to support MNUFC and actively build communities around soccer where all are welcome. Our support is infused with passion, humor, and creativity, cheeky?
- The mission of the Dark Clouds is to support MNUFC passionately while not taking ourselves too seriously. We will actively build communities around soccer where all are welcome.
- Anonymous Harassment Reporting & Adjudication Process – Nach
- Process needs to be in place with the report before we have the report built.
- Sam to set up 107ist call to have them help with what they currently do.
- Form for reporting that was brought to us from Timbers Army: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/1fuaos7ebeJeeeHPsuj-lwso7rrOausRLRzveKJ-JHV0/viewform?edit_requested=true
- Branding – Put together a sub-group to explore – Nach
- Getting group together to discuss what we message
- Nach will continue to build group out.
VI. Open to Board
- What is happening with Midway Neighbors United?
- Large donation was given from DC’s
- Currently not very responsive. Zeller will try and find out what is going on.
- Sam – Check cut for pride donations?
VI. Open to Public.
- None
VII. Set Date for Next Meeting
- Will be set on Slack
VIII. Adjournment
Sam Adjourned meeting at 7:46PM