The Board of Directors’ next meeting will be held over Zoom on Monday, May 11th at 6:00pm.

The meeting is open to the public. Please email president@dark-clouds.com to request access to the online meeting.

Dark Clouds Board of Directors April Meeting Minutes



Virtual – Zoom

Board Members Present:  Meagan Weber, David Zeller, Nach Karnik, Jack McFarland, Andrew Bruski, Andy Wattenhofer, Shaun Sapala, Maggi Heyer, Sam Solberg, Nick Rodriguez

Absent: None

I. Call to Order

Sam called meeting to order at 1:08PM

II. Approval of Minutes   

Nach moved to approve, Zeller seconded. Minutes approved.

III. Reports of Officers and Committees                                    

a. Treasurer’s Report – Andy Wattenhofer  

  • Sam will send copies of what Andy R had done in the past to help Andy W moving forward.
  • A few unreconciled items to clean up – Merch team will follow up with on these
  • Andy W has recommended to keep 12 months of expenses in the bank for WW expenses.
    • This is a minimum
    • WW is in good shape to get up through the rest of the year with no income.
  • WW annual report statement: 

b. Committee Updates 


  • Merch is at a standstill.
  • May be able to ship safely soon without a need to have people moving around
  • Several merch items are ready to go.
    1. Scarves
    2. Masks
      1. Our scarf creator has said they can get us masks within two weeks.
  • To ship and create there was a conversation needed with WW.
    1. Abe will be picking things up from the office and delivering them to Erin.
    2. Just membership things were going to be delivered to Erin
  • Masks are being made – Sam


  1. Nothing.
  2. We’ll wait for an official word on when a season is being started


  1. Social has been quiet only posting when really needed
  2. Bracket challenge for film/tv to get people talking/letting them know we are still here.
  3. Moving forward – Communication plan around what merch can and cannot do during this time when we get a more solid plan.

Silver Lining

  1. Everything at a standstill.


  1. Waiting on WW word for shipping as well.


  1.  Update on 56 brewing below
  2. Mar/Com has a thread of partners that we could push again.
  3. HopClouds is going to do a beer with Sisyphus. Would like to work together on party/get together with larger group


  1. No

IV. Old Business

Update on Action Items from 03/22/2020

  • Score Side update – Nick R / Andy R
    1. Will update when Nick hears back from Andy R
  • Captain Morgan partnership update – Jack
    1. Brand manager had reached out last month
    2. They are focusing on partnering with supporters groups.
    3. Work with them on content like videos with other groups showing our culture.
    4. When travel is allowed again, rep will travel around and meet with teams and supporters groups at that time.
    5. Not a lot of action items given the state of the league and games not being played.
  • 56 Brewing Collaboration Update – Jack
    1. Still planning to brew DC bear in May, nothing changed with timeline
    2. Will need to modify promotional efforts depending on the state of the world at that time.
      1. Zeller and Jack will discuss how to make this changes
  • International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) World Refugee Day (June 20th) proposal posted in Slack – Sam
    1. Sam will email this week for updates and what this will look like.
    2. Fundraiser?
  • Sisyphus/mental health sports podcast collab – Jack
    1. Ike is on board!
    2. This will be on hold until we can figure out the best way to have this.

V. Other old business

  • Tifo committee – Nach/Jack
    • Stalled, will wait until we can have tifo. Tabled until next season.
  • Dark Clouds virtual happy hour – Meagan
    • No movement because maybe zoom is not the best tool to use.
    • This might be something we use twitch to move forward with.
  • Membership scarves and other merch – offer shipping? – Bruski/Meagan
    • This is covered elsewhere.
  • Scheduling a mid-season retreat – Nach
    • Tabled until end of quarantine

VI.  New Business

  1. WW board – Nach
    1. Putting forward strong candidates
    1.  Identify who would be the best to run
  2. Post-crisis contingency planning – What do we do if: – Nach
    1. If games resume in-stadium
    2. If games are all played closed doors
    3. If there is a resumption of lockdown due to a second peak
    4. Games will start around June 8th, hopefully, we can discuss this in the May meeting.
  3. Streaming Possibilities
    1. Virtual Watch Parties – Already doing
    2. Gaming
    3. What it takes to be a capo/DCA?
    4. Amazon Prime with Chat
    5. Fred doing more gaming stream
    6. Player interviews
    7. Engage with Partners
    8. Anna doing skins on cars/other ways to get partners into games
    9. Reach out to Grant Wahl
    10. Sam will reach out to ISC about getting MLS games
  4. Charity auctions
    1. $165 raised on first scarf
    2. Second scarf will go live next week.
    3. Jan soccer boots have been offered up. 
    4. Shipping will be an issue, currently.
    5. Possibly working with the team on helping out with this.

VII. Open to Board

  1. Next month’s meeting will be posted on google calendar to have it open to the public.
  2. Can we use old merch to make masks?

VIII. Open to Public

IX. Set Date for Next Meeting

Will be set on Slack

X. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 2:57PM

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