We’ve got DCMN Masks on preorder (delivery last week of May) and for every mask purchased, one is donated to Minnesota Community Care. They’re priced at cost so neither the Dark Clouds nor Wonderwall are making money off these. Click here to preorder.
While the city of St. Paul has not relaxed their opposition to “no pyro, no party” we’re getting ready for that glorious day by making Dark Clouds themed face masks to keep you from inhaling unhealthy amounts of sulfur! (Oh and they’ll help you stay safe during the pandemic too.)
Public health experts say masks are really important to wear now and, in all likelihood, will be even more so whenever public gatherings are permitted again. These bad boys are a double layer of fabric made of 94% cotton, 6% spandex so they should be plenty breathable for the summer months ahead.
Emblazoned with the phrase “Cloud Cover” and the famous Dark Cloud (printed in white), these won’t take the place of N95-grade masks if you need them, but are a great way to care for your community when you’re out getting groceries, picking up a crowler from one of our awesome brewery partners or hitting up the curbside drag show at Black Hart.

It’s great to have a few masks to cycle through so you don’t always have to wash the same one every time you want to go out, so add one of these to your rotation and rep the DCs when you’re out conducting essential business.
Click here to buy a Dark Clouds mask and to have one donated to Minnesota Community Care.
We miss the hell out of y’all and hope to see you, masks and all, when it’s safe to do so.