Who are we? You’ve heard us.
We’re Minnesota’s largest supporter group with roots that run deep into Minnesota’s soccer history. A diverse group of people that come together around a common cause: Supporting Minnesota United FC and making Allianz Field one of the toughest places to play in MLS
We are the Dark Clouds.
But being a Dark Cloud has always been about more. Whether it’s carving a supporter culture free from hooliganism, celebrating inclusivity & service or embracing songs as an outlet for irreverence, our members have always had their own personal reasons for joining in the jackassery.
#WEALLBELIEVE is our opportunity to tell you about the beliefs that make us proud Dark Clouds. Every Wednesday throughout 2020, we’ll be introducing you to a new member of our organization with a few words on their beliefs.
We are proud of who we are and the beliefs we share as Dark Clouds, like the repudiation of sexism, racism, and bigotry of any kind within the spaces we inhabit and providing a space that welcomes people of all identities to an accepting, safe environment.
We all believe in providing members with a chance to live out those values through philanthropy and volunteer community service.
We all believe in singing, cheering, and supporting the Loons with everything we’ve got.
We all believe in making Dark Clouds events great places to meet fellow supporters and grow Minnesota’s soccer community.
We all believe sharing our love of soccer and making Minnesota United the best supported club in MLS.