The Board of Directors’ next meeting will be on Monday, December 16th at 6:30pm in the back room at Black Hart in St. Paul.
The meeting is open to the public.
Dark Clouds Board of Directors Meeting
Black Hart of Saint Paul
Board Members Present: David Zeller, Andrew Bruski, Andrew Beck, Andy Reierson, Meagan Weber, Samantha Solberg, Nach Karnik, Jack McFarland
Absent: Casey Mullan
I. Call to Order
Called to order by Sam Solberg at 6:38pm
II. Approval of Minutes
Andrew Beck moved, David Zeller seconded, October meeting minutes were approved.
Action Item: make a link available to Google document or website version of minutes in future meeting agendas.
III. Reports of Officers and Committees
a. Treasurer’s Report – Andy Reierson
- Slow month with season ending, but we are on pace to finish 5% above last year for merch and membership sales.
- DCCCC last collection invoices went out
- Currently at 65% collection right now
- Had 88% and 85% collection for the first two respectively
- Remaining silent auction funds sent to Like a Girl yesterday
- Issue with PayPal holding funds was resolved
- $2,500 left in DCCCC fund
- $2,000 earmarked for community benefit fund
- Decide on where to donate remainder at next board meeting
- Met with WW finance committee yesterday
- Will have full comprehensive report at year-end
b. Committee Updates
- Have another scarf coming out in a couple weeks
- Will have enough time to get it delivered by Christmas
- Working on another winter item
- Will be available after Christmas
- Newsletter coming out Tuesday with Black Friday deal
- Question about 2020 Memberships being available before Christmas
- Action Item: Andrew Beck will ask Wonderwall if this is possible.
- The “Tifo closet” at Allianz is cleaned up and organized
- Drums back at office
- Will start working on new banners next month
- All Are Welcome and Red Card to Racism banners need to be replaced
- Want to see them stay DC banners
- Will reach out to WW matchday about this
- Getting screen caps from Nach about season ticket membership selection
- Writing quarter pager about Dark Clouds for handout
- Looking for volunteers
- Jake looking to step back from leadership role
- If anyone wants to help with Mar/Com/Social in the meantime, let Jake know
Silver Lining
- Had a meeting last night
- 501c3 Board complete, no announcement yet
- Still talking about creating own website/marketing, not settled yet
- First board meeting being scheduled in the next 2-3 weeks
- Joint meeting between 501c3 board and DC board a possibility in the future
- Volunteer appreciation party in January
- Possibly at Summit, will work with Partnerships
- Planning 2020 calendar of events
- Meagan Weber is the new co-chair of membership committee
- Scarf handout being discussed with WW membership committee
- Designing membership card
- Membership meeting being scheduled
- Met with Able brewing a couple weeks ago
- Reached out to La Dona about Minneapolis watch parties
- Looking like a good possibility
- First drink is two for one
- David Zeller met with Shuo about Wonderwall partnership committee
- Possibly DC Partnerships committee to become Events and Partnerships committee to better reflect the work of the committee
- Action Item: Jack McFarland will create set parameters for partnerships
- Not present, no current committee head
IV. Old Business
Update on Action Items from 9/19/19
- Collect budget for 2020 – Andy R.
- Complete
- Mar/Com/Social Request for Google Calendar announcement – Nach
- Complete
- WW merch across all supporters groups – Sam & Nach
- Complete (to the best of our knowledge)
- Contact WW and FO about membership 2020 – Andrew Beck
- Complete, Andrew Beck reached out to WW
- Discuss with WW about using stadium grounds for merch sales 2020 – Sam
- Not Complete, Sam will reach out
- Meet with non-profit app developers – Andy R.
- Complete, Meeting after the holidays
- Discuss with Jim Crist & WW about denying/refunding merch purchases – Andrew Bruski
- Tabled
Other old business
- Summit Brewing update
- David Zeller reaching back out to them soon.
- DCCCC Update
- Covered during treasurer’s report
- Silver Lining 501(c)3 updates
- Covered during Silver Lining committee update
- Community Benefits fund donation
- $2000 to be donated to the fund from DCCCC funding
- Will create and distribute press release
- Minneapolis watch party location – David Z.
- Currently talking to La Dona
- Post-season volunteer appreciation party discussion & scheduling – Nach
- Scheduled for January 25
- International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) update – Sam
- Will share in board Slack channel
- Good Game App update – Andy R.
- Covered above (app developer)
- DC Discord Forum Update- Nach – Table
- Invited to trial app built for Supporters groups
- is website
- Currently don’t have a place where Dark Clouds can talk among themselves, this could solve that issue
- Action Item: Look and website and post questions to board channel
- Invited to trial app built for Supporters groups
V. New Business
- Retreat
- Recap
- Overall, the board is very pleased with how the retreat went
- Mission Statement discussion
- New proposed mission, updated from retreat version
- The mission of the Dark Clouds is to passionately support MNUFC with irreverence. We actively build community around soccer where all are welcome.
- Will continue to discuss on Slack.
- New proposed mission, updated from retreat version
- Committee strategic goals and tactics
- Template is shared on board channel, Action item: complete for next meeting
- Recap
VI. Open to Board
- DC Board Election
- Need to start planning
- Do we want to elect people to specific roles?
VI. Open to Public
VII. Set Date for Next Meeting
Will schedule on Slack
VIII. Adjournment
Adjourned at 8:34 by Sam