For years the Dark Clouds have made great efforts to create a welcoming, inclusive culture around soccer in Minnesota. This organization’s mission includes repudiating sexism, racism, and bigotry of any kind within the spaces we inhabit. It includes providing a supporters group which welcomes people of all identities to an accepting, safe environment. Our mission compels us to provide our members with an avenue to change the lives of the most vulnerable around us through community service and philanthropy.
Our state is home to a refugee population of many backgrounds (Hmong, Bosnian, among others) who arrived in our community after fleeing bloodshed and persecution, seeking a life of liberty and freedom. These are our friends, our neighbors, and our brothers and sisters. They play soccer, support Minnesota United, and are our fellow Dark Clouds.
Yesterday saw the implementation of an executive order that will harm the lives of many in our state and around the nation. Just one example are our many Minnesotan neighbors of Somalian heritage. Today they are unable to leave this country for fear they will not be permitted to return. Those already visiting family around the globe are already being blocked from returning. This has included those who are Permanent Residents (i.e. “green card” holders). People are being kept from their only home, their job, families, medical needs, and even from people who depend on them for essential care. This situation is tragic.
The Dark Clouds call on our members to support this organization’s mission. Stand with us in calling legislators and letting them know the damage this new policy is doing to our community. Provide support to those among us who are personally touched by this tragedy.
If we work together, we can help create a healthier community in Minnesota and better the lives of people in our state and beyond.