Photo: Jeremy Olson

Photo: Jeremy Olson

For years the Dark Clouds have striven to create a welcoming, inclusive culture around soccer in Minnesota. This organization’s mission includes repudiating sexism, racism, and bigotry of any kind within the spaces we inhabit. It includes providing a space which welcomes people of all identities to an accepting, safe environment. Our mission compels us to provide our members with an avenue to change the lives of the most vulnerable around us through community service and philanthropy.
As Dark Clouds members, we expect you to help us achieve this mission. As we move forward, join us in performing service and donating to worthy causes that positively affect the lives of others. Join us in welcoming newcomers and veteran members alike, of all races, nationalities, sexualities, religions, and identities, into our space. Let’s work together to shape the soccer community in Minnesota and better the lives of people in our state and beyond.

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