The joint section away at Indy. (Photo: Jeremy Olson)
The DCs and TNEs have put together an impressive set of songs. It’s time to learn a few of each others’ numbers. Go over these six songs as you prepare to watch MNUFC take on Premier League opposition:
MINNESOTA BOYS IN BLACK & BLUE (to “When Jonny Comes Marching Home”)
We come from the cold and frozen North,
Go Loons!
Go Loons!
And for our club our hearts forever true,
Stay true!
We love our boys in Black & Blue,
One heart,
One voice,
This songs for you!
Minnesota boys in Black & Blue!
( Na Na Na Na Na…. Minnesota boys in Black & Blue!)
When The Loons Go Marching In! (To “When The Saints Go Marching In”)
Oh when the Loons
Go marching in!
Oh when the Loons go marching in!
I wanna be in the Nessie!
When the Loons go marching in!
Call: Oh when the Loons!
Response: Oh when the Loons!
Call: Go Marching in!
Response: Go Marching in!
Oh when the Loons go marching in!
I wanna be in the Nessie!
When the Loons go marching in!
(1st verse slow 2x, then move to call and response)
SAMMY BOY (To “Tubthumping”)
We love Ndjock!
He saves another one!
He’s never gonna let one in!
(repeat x4)
Oh, Sammy boy!
Sammy boy!
Sammy boy!
United Born
I’m United born, I’m United bred,
And when I die, I’m United dead
Minnesoooota! Minnesoooota!
JUSTIN DAVIS (To “You Are My Sunshine”)
He is our left back,
He’s Justin Davis,
He scores a goal and drinks a beer,
He drinks a pilsner, he drinks a cider,
Come drink with us over here!
Minnesota L-O-V-E
United FC!
The team for me!
(repeat faster each time)