Twin Cities Burger Battle
Date & Time: Saturday May 21th, 2016 from 3:30 to 8.
Location: Harriet Island, St Paul
Partner Organization: The Sanneh Foundation
Volunteers Needed: 30
Signup Link
Event Website
(Volunteers for this event must be 21 years old or over)
We’re looking for 30 dedicated volunteers who like to eat burgers and drink beer. That sound like you?
25 of the Twin Cities best restaurants will battle it out to see who can prepare the best Burger and we 2,500 attendees to help finish the food! Volunteers will help set up, run and tear down the 2016 twin Cities Burger Battle from which all proceeds go to The Sanneh Foundation. Volunteers will get to eat and drink for free! (Non-alcoholic beverages will be available). MNUFC play Indy Eleven during the Burger Battle and we plan to have the game on for soccer fans to watch. Click here to RSVP and sign up to volunteer.
Learn more about the Burger Battle in this Biz Journal Article.